Tuesday 1 December 2015

Point 24- Shot Locations and shots of the locations

This is the North Gate at Gordonstoun School. As all the members of Pyramid Entertainment attend Gordonstoun we already have permission to use it. This is the main place we will shoot the Unknown girl walking to meet up with the boyfriend in the video. They will meet at the gate and then walk through the gate when the boyfriends girlfriend watches him walk away with another girl. This location offers great opportunities for dramatic long shots and a great final shot to fade out from for a finish. This fade out shot will give the audience a sense that the video is over and complete.

This is the Silent Walk at Gordonstoun School. As all the members of Pyramid Entertainment attend Gordonstoun we already have permission to use it. Similarly to the North Gate the footage we take from the Silent walk will be mostly the unknown girl walking at night to meet the boyfriend and also the boyfriend going to meet the unknown girl. As well as the long shots we get at the North gate the Silent Walk proposes another great location to take some great long shots.

Point 23- Create a Shot List and a shooting script for your video

Below are images of the Shot List I made for my video.

Below is the shooting script I made for my Video.